
Showing posts from April, 2020

Prayer - Government, Medical personal, Watchmen

LORD Our God LORD we thank You for Your grace and Mercy towards all South Africans. LORD we continue to pray for our government. LORD thank you for guiding our President, Head of Departments and every leader in this country. Thank You that Your Holy Spirit is with our police, traffic officers, soldiers, doctors, nurses and medical staff. LORD You know that they put their health at risk for us. Your word says that there is no grater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. LORD please accept their sacrifice and protect them against illness and harm. LORD I pray for every watchmen You have appointed over this land. LORD thank You that You guide and lead them. LORD open my ears and let me hearken to their voice, for they speak Your Words LORD. LORD let us listen and obey when we hear the sound of the trumpet. LORD let Your Spirit strengthen every person that is appointed for this time and let them be obedient to You. LORD You give us might, power and victory