Our God and Father who is in heaven Glorious is thy name.

Lord Your word says that faith as big as a mustard seed can move a mountain. Lord I admit in times of need and trouble my faith withers. I am like Peter who wants to walk on water but fails. Lord Jesus I see the storm and focus on the storm and not on you Lord. Your word God says that everything is possible through You and I believe Your word. Lord help me to keep my focus on You.

Lord Jesus every time you healed you told the people they are healed according to their faith. The woman who touched your cloak were healed according to her faith. Lord the Roman Commander believed in Your authority over the earth and sickness. He asked You just to speak healing over his servant. Jairus believed You could heal his daughter even though she was proclaimed dead. Lord I need their faith.

Lord I stand before You and ask You to strengthen my faith. Abraham is the father of faith Lord. He trusted You and heeded to Your voice. When his faith withered You helped him to strengthen his faith in You. Lord please help me when my faith withers, strengthen my faith. Lord take the bit of faith that I have and multiply it until my faith is as solid as a rock!

You said Lord Jesus that everything I ask in your name the father will give. Lord I thank You that You will give and grow my faith. My heart rejoice in You Lord.

Your word says that faith without works is dead. Teach me to apply my faith in order for my works to bear fruit. Lord help me to understand that if I want Your provision I must believe in Your provision. I must not hesitate to give my tithe out of fear that I will not have. You said in Malachi 3 that we can prove you in this regard Lord. Thank you Lord that You will teach me to trust in You and to make my daily walk a walk of faith.

What is man Lord that you regard him yet You gave him authority over the earth and You gave Your son to redeem our sins. Nothing we can do or bring can impress you Lord. I stand before You with nothing but ask with a humble heart that You will grant me favor and Your grace.

In the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen
