Prayer - deliverance South Africans

We come before You God on our knees with our heads bowed. We humble ourselves in Your presence our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

We ask that You Lord will silence all the voices speaking against our destiny and those of our seed. We ask You to send your fire, fire of sulfate and brimstone against every altar that gives my enemy legal right to my life. Please show me the open doors and altars that is operating against me in order for me to repent, if I or my family sinned against You, Oh Lord. God bind all the powers and principalities operating through these altars in the Name of Jesus Christ. 

Lord we as South Africans are guilty. Our forefathers tricked us and build a monument that raised an altar to the Sun God. They further tied every South African child to this altar, offering them up to the country - We do not belong to lifeless soil but to You God - They further reinforce the covenant every year. Lord we as Your children repent. Your Word states that we are to serve only You God. Forgive us this sin and break the legal right this altar has over our lives and those of our children. Lord open my peoples eyes to the truth. We want to be free from the principalities and powers operating in our lives and our country. Your word says that we wrestle not against the flesh but against the principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world. Lord deliver us from their snares and bring confusion to them. Bind those that has been assigned to my life  and my destiny through this altar in the mighty Name of Jesus.

Where our forefathers made a promise to You God that we as their seed do not keep we repent God. We ask that if it is within Your will that You will free and loosen us from the promise. Lord by keeping this promise they made in good faith, we will also renew the covenant  that South Africans formed with the enemy through idol worship. Please remove this snare that the enemy placed over our lives in the name of Jesus. 

Lord I intercede and pray for rain as a blessing and not a curse. Lord I agree with Your word that says that drought comes as a result of sin. Lord please forgive us where we prayed prayers only to meet our needs. How many times Lord did we pray for rain and after receiving rain we just turned to our wicked ways. Lord this time please send in Your Holy spirit and change the people's hearts to turn from sin when you bless us with rain. Raise up a people that will continue to serve You and do what Your Word requires. Lord please cleanse this country from sin and remove the curses that has been placed over us.

Thank You God for hearing our prayers. Thank You God that You are good and merciful. Thank You for caring for us and blessing us even though we do not deserve it. Thank you Jesus for Your Blood, Your victory and Your constant intercession for us. Jesus we praise and exalt Your name, worthy are only You, the lamb of God. Amen
