Prayer for forgiveness

Lord our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we humble ourselves before You and come to You today for forgiveness. We long for a relationship with You and want to remove all the hindrances.

In our lives we have sinned and transgressed Your laws continually. Lord irrespective of us sinning willfully or out of ignorance please forgive us for our sins. Show us our transgressions to prevent us from further transgressions. Lord break every hold that my enemy has over me due to my sin. Lord my God I thank You that we are able to use the blood of Jesus in our repentance and we ask that Jesus blood would speak on our behalf when our enemy makes claims regarding us, our life or our family due to our sins. Your word states that if we repent You will forgive. Father we thank You for Your grace, love and forgiveness.

Lord please indicate to us if there is anything in our lives that prevent us from serving You. Lord Your Word states that You are a jealous God. We therefore repent from placing any item. person or thing above You in our lives. Help us Lord to serve You with our whole heart.

We ask forgiveness for the sins of our ancestors. Lord in whatever they disobeyed You, opening doors to the enemy, we repent! We repent for any activity of witchcraft, necromancy, sorcery, secret societies and idol worship that might be apart of our lineage. God please silence the voices speaking against us, our families and nation as a result of our ancestors sins. We declare God that You are the true God and that there is no other God besides You.

Lord Your word says that You will write Your laws upon our hearts. Lord please circumcise our hearts and write Your laws upon our heart. We do not wish to sin against You anymore. We want to know You Lord, teach us Your ways.

Lord guard this prayer and every person praying this prayer with the blood of Jesus. We can only ask all of this in the Mighty name of Jesus our Saviour. Amen
