Prayer - South Africa

God our Father, Righteous Judge and Jesus Christ our Redeemer. I come before you God and I declare Lord that You hold the whole world in Your hands. I declare that South Africa and the people of South Africa belong to You Lord.

Lord my God I intercede for the people of South Africa and for our country. Lord they are my people and South Africa is my Country. Lord You know of all the injustice that has been done in this country. I repent for the injustice and inhumane principals and policies that this country has inflicted upon people. Your biggest law require that we love You God with all our heart, our mind and our soul and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Lord I repent for every time that we transgress this command, I repent for all the hate speech, hate and violence we inflict upon each other and agree with. Lord your word clearly states that You and only You are allowed to take revenge. Please forgive us and our forefathers.

Lord help us to tame our tongues and open our hearts. Lord we need You more than ever. Lord Jesus please intervene like You intervened when the adulterous woman were to be stoned. Lord please show us our own sins and let us throw our stones to the ground. Lord help us to see the beam in our own eye before we try to remove the speck from our neighbor's eye.

God I also intercede for my President and the other heads of state. I ask for their protection from the schemes and plots of the enemy. Lord I ask that You will guide and lead each of our leaders to make decisions that is within Your Will for our country. Lord I pray for our court system and for every judge. Lord let Your verdict be rendered through them and let them be Your mouthpiece on earth. Lord break the unfair channels that our enemy opened and destroy the unjust human laws we created. Lord let Your name be glorified and Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Lord please forgive us for heeding to theft, deceit and fraud as a way of life whilst ignoring the laws and principals that You laid down. Lord please forgive all the flowing of innocent blood and terror that we do to each other. Lord please step in and teach us your Kingdom principals.

Lord I bring the land redistribution bill before Your court. Only You Lord are a righteous and fair judge and Only You Lord can judge this matter. To You belong the earth and therefore the land. I ask that you would render a verdict on behalf of the people of South Africa.

Lord I bring the education system before You. Lord forgive us for not teaching our children Your laws and Your ways. Lord assist us in matters that pertain our children and give the people in power Your wisdom. Lord render your verdict regarding the curriculum and the bills that Government is trying to pass.

Lord I bring all the other Departments before you and I ask that You will guide, lead and intervene. We can not prosper without your divine order and judgement. Lord please take hold of this country's finances and guide all the people that has authority over the finances.

Lord I bring Eskom before You and Your court. Lord they can hide their sins from us but not from You Lord. Please render judgement Lord and place people in positions that will resolve the problems we as a country face.

I also declare that I am in agreement with Your word that states that no one can alter, change or add to Your decree. I thank you for this Father and I thank You that we can turn to you and that You heed to our prayers because you love us. Thank you for Your love God and thank you that Your son made it possible for us to come before you Lord. Lord Jesus thank You for Your blood and Your victory enabling us to come to You. Amen
