Babylon the disillusion

Lord I can only praise and glorify Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord that You reveal Your hidden spiritual truths to us. I ask that You will unlock Your Word and open our minds, ears an hearts. We hunger for Your Word and Your bread.  Lord protect and guide me in my walk with you. I can only thank You Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation and for the power I have through Your mighty Name. Amen

Babylon is first mentioned in Genesis 7 – 9. After the flood the children of Noah dwelt in Shinar. We read in Genesis 11 that the lineage of Noah under the leadership of Nimrod erected the tower of Babel. Genesis 10: 8 – 10 describes Nimrod as a mighty hunter before God, thus a hunter of people and their souls. Nimrod started the kingdom of Babylon which means confusion and is therefore the father of confusion. Nimrod being a mighty hunter did not subdue to God or subject himself to God, he opposed God.

Daniel 4: 30 – 37 Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon refused to humble himself before God and give God merit for his success. He boasted and was filled with pride. He built a tower against God, elevating himself to be God and placed himself above God. God brought confusion over Nebuchadnezzar and he became like a wild animal. Nebuchadnezzar gave God glory for his accomplishments and acknowledged God the Almighty as the only true God and God restored him in his position as king.

Building a tower means that you spiritually elevate yourself and place your “throne”above God with the objective of dethroning God. Adam was the first that sinned. Adam wanted to be God and believed that the fruit will give him the required knowledge to become God. Adam did not leave room for God in his life. Pride was the sin that led to Satan’s fall. When we build towers against God confusion will be brought over us. This will lead to misunderstanding and affected speech. Misunderstanding and confusion are the two main reasons why the Body of Christ can not harmonize. The Body of Christ wants to be elevated and builds towers. In the process they dethrone God and do not leave any room for God in the church. We can not worship God and ourselves. Nimrod were not just filled with pride but was also responsible for the first idol worship after the flood. He led his people on a path of confusion whilst hunting their souls and subjecting them to slavery and bondage.

God requested Abram Born in Babylon to leave Babylon and follow Him. Abram raised in a city of Nimrod where the heavenly bodies were worshiped left idol worship came out of spiritual exile and followed God. God still calls us out of Babylon the place of spiritual exile. Abram came out of Babylon and were led to Egypt where he had to confront his carnal nature before he entered his desert period. We all take the same path; the Israelite's and Jesus were led from Egypt into the desert. Jesus was raised in Egypt. After baptism and before starting His ministry Jesus was led by the spirit into the desert Matthew 4: 1-11. Satan tempted Jesus in the desert and Jesus won the test. Jesus already overthrew Satan in the desert but had to die without sin at the hand of Satan to secure the victory. Thus all of the believers will go through these periods and face trails. We can not as a believer refuse our trials in Egypt nor the trials in the desert. We are required to face them and walk with God.

Genesis 12 en 13 we read that Abram after his time in Egypt stood before a choice. There were division between the slaves of Abraham and Lot (Abraham’s nephew). Lot being spiritually bound to “Egypt” chose the green pastures of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abram was left with the desert. Unknowing to Abraham at the time, he made the right choice.He went through his desert period and had a relationship with God.  Lot is living proof of a person that is spiritually stuck in “Egypt” and who becomes a prisoner of Babylon. Sodom was a spiritual Babylon. Egypt (human carnal nature) was the starting point for Lot to become entangled in the snares of Babylon where evil forces had authority over him and the lives of his children. We all know what happened to Sodom.
Babylon is the place where idols are worshiped and where covenants are formed. Whether intentional or unintentional we enter into agreement with evil spirits, principalities and powers of the Kingdom of Satan. Our agreements or covenants formed with the evil forces give them authority over our lives and the lives of our children.

When we are lead out of Egypt and are set free from slavery we pass through our desert period where God teaches us His Laws and Ways. We are taught Gods kingdom principals. Before entering Canaan the Israelite's were forbidden to worship idols. The land Canaan worshiped idols that were strange to the Israelite's. We are subject to the same warning; we should not worship idols after we are set free from spiritual slavery. When we enter Canaan God expect of us to demolish the fortified cities we have build in our hearts through disobedience (Our inner Jericho). We need to come against the principalities and powers that obtained rights to our lives. We can, only with the power of Jesus and His redemption, break down these cities and overthrow the evil forces that have a right to our lives. Only a covenant with God will give us victory. Therefore we need to align ourselves with God, allow the redemption of Jesus and accept Gods laws. If we do not accept Gods laws, the ark can not go before us and the walls of Jericho will not fall. The ark was called the “ark of the covenant” and the 10 commandments were kept in the ark. The death of Jesus forgives our sins and allows us to enter into a new covenant and gives us victory over sin. The name of Jesus is powerful because Jesus is the only human that overcame the carnal, sin and evil. He kept all the laws of Moses and died without sin. Jesus thus fulfilled the law without doing away with the law.To accept God you have to accept His laws. Only your acceptance of Gods laws allows the “ark of the covenant” to go out before you, will allow Jesus as High priest intercede for us and grants us mercy through the mercy seat.  

Revelation 17, Babylon is compared with a prostitute sitting on many waters. When the bible uses prostitution or fornication as reference it refers to idol worship. God sees our relationship with him as a marriage and when we seek “other gods” we become adulterers, being unfaithful to our partner (God) like an unfaithful spouse. This is the only way God can make His feelings understandable to us. We can get a glimpse on how He feels when He is not important to us. Just stand still for a moment and ponder on this thought. Do you love your spouse so much that you will forgive unfaithfulness? God loves us in a way that we are incapable of loving; He totally forgives and takes us back. God allowed his profit Hosea to write and dedicate one entire book about His love for us to give us insight and understanding.

When a person worships a multitude of idols he is seen as a prostitute. We read that Babylon sits on many waters; is over many nations or countries. Babylon influences the whole world. Babylon is described as a drunk woman who intoxicates her followers with wine. When Babylon rules our lives we become drunk and we do not see situations in a clear sober light. Babylon is a city that consumes people / souls, a bloodthirsty place. Therefore Babylon will war against Christ and the followers of Christ. Babylon is the world as we know it today. We are so easily led on a road of destruction and deception, we are blind and intoxicated. You do not have to worship an image of something to worship an idol. Anything more important than God is an idol in your life. We have to realize that our idols is Satan’s authority in our lives and gives his kingdom power over us. We are in spirit a prisoner of Babylon.

The evil powers (we gave authority in our lives) become the giants we have to fight. Just like David we have to come against Goliath. Sometimes it is not our own disobedience but those of our forefathers and family members that brought generational curses over our lives. When our trust is in God we will like David defeat our giants with one small stone.Our victory will come through Jesus Christ that lay down his life for us. Faith is our slingshot and the Word of God our ammunition. Every giant will fall when God is the center of our life.
We have to seek out and remove the leaven (sin) from our lives and come against the evil powers and overthrow them. Israel did not overthrow the evil powers when they inherited Canaan and therefore the evil powers became a snare that led them to idol worship. They worshiped more idols and were more promiscuous in Canaan than they were in Egypt. In Ezekiel we read that Egypt, Babylon and Sodom were not as disobedient as Israel. They gave away their freedom and became prisoners of Satan.

It is important to note that the kingdom of Israel split (because of Solomon’s idol worship) into Israel and Judah. Israel became exiles of Assyria and Judah were exiles of Babylon. Their freedom was taken away and they became birds captured in a cage. When we worship idols our freedom is taken away and our souls become prisoners; we are placed in spiritual cages.
The last king of Israel was Hosea. He went to Egypt in an attempt to seek help against Assyria. Thus spiritually he went back to Egypt after God released him from slavery. His punishment was spiritual imprisonment. (2 Kings 17 and 24). Zedekiah the last king of Judah did the same as Hosea. He also fled to Egypt in search of help and subjected himself to slavery and bondage of Egypt. The profit Jeremiah forewarned Zedekiah but he did not listen. Jeremiah  52: 9 -11. The king of Babylon captured Zedekiah, killed his children, blinded him and placed him in prison until the day of his death. Ezekiel 12:13 “My net also will I spread upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare: and I will bring him to Babylon to the land of the Chaldean's; yet shall he not see it, though he shall die there”.
Evil powers, principalities and demons have entry points in our lives when we become exiles. If we decide to turn to Egypt and slavery instead of God for help we will receive the same judgement as Zedekiah. Our eyes will be spiritually blinded for God’s truth. The powers and principalities of darkness will have authority over our children (due to generational curses) and will kill our children before our eyes. We will be in spiritual captivity until our death. Look at people’s lives and their misfortunes. Realize that it is not bad luck, it is not the universe but disobedience that causes misfortune, heart-ace, loss and trauma. It is so important to realize the implications of our decisions and actions. We are ignorant and through our ignorance we give Satan power over us. Jesus’es blood can only speak on our behalf when we choose to serve Him and remove sin from our lives. We can only receive redemption if we turn to God and accept Jesus, there is NO OTHER WAY!

Ezekiel 13 warns us against false prophets. Babylon and false prophets work together and therefore the Bible commands us to test the spirits. We can not blindly believe everything that is preached or prophesied but are required to test it against Gods word and stay sober. We should not get spiritually drunk on the wine of Babylon. Ezekiel 13: 18 – 20, False prophets have the authority to capture and or kill souls. They DO NOT use God’s power but utilize demonic powers. Due to your ignorance they obtain your permission to capture, kill or keep your soul alive all for their own benefit. God will lift the vale with which they cover their wicked deeds and disclose their true purpose. It is our responsibility to pray and test every spirit, for we will know the false profits by their fruit Matthew 7: 15-20.

Ezekiel 18 gives us our personal responsibility and what God expects from us. It summarizes the laws in Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy and is as relevant today as it was then. Read for yourself there is only one truth and it is the Word of God; the only living Word that can set us free.
Ezekiel  18, 23, 29

Lord I thank You for Your Word and Your truth that set me free. Lord keep me sober and unmask Babylon in my life. Lord show me the snares that Babylon placed and lead me on Your path of righteousness; set me free from Babylons claws. Lord I choose to serve You and ask that You will show me the way. I can only obtain victory through Jesus Christ and His power. I praise Your Wonderful Name and thank You that the truth in Your Word will be revealed to me as I seek You. Thank You Lord that Jesus made my victory possible and that every tie that Babylon has will be broken. I pray and ask everything in the mighty and Holy Name of Jesus Christ my saviour. Amen
