Spiritual Egypt

Spiritual Egypt

We read our Bibles and see the “stories” as mere “children’s stories”. We are ignorant and do not realise the significant meaning and spiritual insight every “story” has. The “stories” are just as relevant to our lives today as it has been when it was written. I thank the LORD for every revelation I receive through His Word.

I pray that every person receiving this message will take it to heart and that it will bless their spiritual life. I pray that spiritual blindness will be removed and that eyes will be opened. I pray that God’s Word will reveal itself. I further pray that no evil spirit, principality or power will have authority to steal or twist this message and use it to their advantage. Lord let Your Word reach everyone in its pure state and let it exalt Your Name. I ask everything in the mighty name of Jesus our Saviour.

God is merciful and reveals His secrets and spiritual truths to those that seek Him with their whole heart. God’s chosen people, Israel, teaches us a spiritual story that applies to each of our lives. God used ordinary people to teach us practical lessons and show us the implications of our choices. We can thus understand the consequences and impact our choices have.

In Genesis we learn that Abraham’s faith in God made him righteous. Through Abraham we realise that true faith will cause God to place a blessing upon us and our lineage. It is important to understand that when something takes place in the Bible it becomes applicable to everyone. Thus it is a principle and from there on the principle will be applied to all people and or situations. Principle is: Believe in God and you together with your seed will be blessed. Through Abraham we are also shown that we should remain patient when we wait on God. God promised Abraham and his wife Sarah a son but Abraham had to be patient and received the promised son Isaac at a very high age. God also shows us the implications of taking matters into our own hands. Sarah did not wait on God but convinced Abraham to have a child with her servant Hagar. Sarah’s decision brought misery upon her and her household. We are shown that if we trust in human advice without consulting God, we like Abraham, end up in misery causing our Hagar to leave taking with her our firstborn.

The Bible is more than just a mere “story book”, it is a book with spiritual principles that is relevant to our lives; irrespective of whether we believe in it or not. God’s Word is alive and speaks truth in every situation we face whilst simultaneously laying down norms, principles and laws. To understand the Bible you have to know the “stories” and to know the “stories”, you will have to read the Bible! If you do not know the first five books of the Bible you will not understand this explanation.

We are born into a world not knowing right from wrong. We are unable to choose our parents or house. Like most people we are brought up in this world and thus follow the world. We are a part of the world and the world is a part of us. We read in Genesis how through Josef the lineage of Jacob sojourned in Egypt. We are not different from the Israelite's born and raised in Egypt. The Israelite's were taught Egypt’s norms, values, monetary systems and religions. In Genesis 15 we read that the nation Israel was strangers in the land Egypt for 400 years; their 4th generation was brought out from Egypt. Being strangers in a land subject to a time period of 400 years the generations will lose their original morals and values and will take on the values and morals of the nation where the sojourn.  Thus it is easy to conclude that by the 4th generation of Abraham, Abraham was a mere “story book story” to the Israelites. The idols and religious system of Egypt were their reality.

In the same manner the Bible became a mere “story” and our way of living, cultural norms, economic systems and religious practices our reality. We are caught up in a world that is spiritually represented by Egypt. We are slaves to this world are enslaved by it. We watch the movies of this world, listen to the music of this world and worship the idols of this world. We are so engraved into this system that anything apart from it is against our norms.

“How dare you say I worship idols?” you might ask. God accused me of the same thing. Anything that is more important than God is your idol. Are your children are more important to you than God? Then they are your idol. Is social media more important to you than God?  Then social media is your idol. I can’t determine all your idols only God can show you the idols in your life.
Our lives are greatly impacted by the Corona Virus and our Idols fall one by one. If you worship alcohol then you will become angry when it is taken away from you. If you are prepared to steal in order to have then you know how big an idol alcohol has become in your life. Stop drinking and see how many friends you have…….. What are we prepared to do in order to smoke? Will you pay ridiculous prices or do you offer up your food for cigarettes? Do you really in all honesty want to convince me that you are not a slave of cigarettes? I understand your fight because I used to smoke. When I say God is more important than my smoking habit then God should be placed first and cigarettes last…….easier said than done…… especially when you smoke.  How many of us are enslaved by Mammon for whom we are prepared to sell our souls? Mammon is by far one of the biggest idols in this world. If you do not have money you become a leper and nobody wants to be acquainted with you. People will do anything to obtain money and will lose all moral and humanity as long as it means that they will have money. The motto is: I have to look after my own interests first. My dear friend is all the money in the world going to save you? Will it keep this virus or death from you? Is money going to be your security?

God is shaking our world and our idols. He is doing the same that he did to Egypt. When He brought the plagues upon Egypt He showed them how worthless their Idols were. Every one of the plagues dealt with an idol that the Egyptians worshipped.
We will be saved if we believe in God. We are not required to put the blood of lambs upon our doorposts; we have to put the blood of Jesus on our hearts. How many people truly realise that the Covid Epidemic broke out just before Passover. Passover not Easter, Easter is NOT Passover! (Exodus 12: 43 -51). Do we allow the meaning of the words “pass over” to sink in? Pass over means that you are passed over and that it will not come to you or your house. Do you realise that Jesus were crucified during the same feast years later thus becoming our “pass over” our chance to live an eternal life. The wages of sin is death and therefore we all need to die not just mortally but spiritually. If Jesus did not die in our place we had to die an eternal death.

We have a choice: Stay in Egypt and worship this world and its idols or come out of this world and worship God. Is it easy? No, it is an uncertain path leading into the desert. (Your decision to leave Egypt might not the same as that of your family; they might remain). Is it worth it? If you want to reach a land where there is sufficient provision for you and if you want God’s blessings upon your life then yes, it is worth it. Will God go with you? Yes, He walks before you and guides your way but you will have to trust Him. You can only experience God’s miracles in your life if you are prepared to leave Egypt behind.

LORD I pray for the person heeding to your message to leave Egypt. Lord lead them on Your paths of righteousness. Lord let Your angels encircle them and bring peace over them. LORD I pray that you will strengthen this person’s faith whilst hindering the enemy and preventing them from attacking this person. LORD I know and declare that you provide for our every need; Lord provide for their needs and give them the strength to endure every day.  Provide through Your Word, Your manna to still their hunger and water for their thirst. LORD open their eyes to the spiritual truths in Your Word and let Your Holy Spirit guide them. We ask everything in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ our Saviour and King. Amen
