The desert period

The Desert Period

I would just like to remind you that the explanations are based on spiritual meaning. In the same manner that you are lead out of a “spiritual Egypt” you will be lead into a “spiritual desert”.

LORD I thank You for every revelation and ask that Your message will be received in its purest form. LORD may Your Name be honored and may Your Light shine upon every person that takes Your message to heart. I ask everything in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

You left Egypt and its idols, you want to serve God but find yourself in the desert. It is not the nicest or easiest place to be in. We read in Exodus 15 that after wandering for three days without finding any water the Israelite's found water at Mara. Water has an extensive spiritual meaning. Water is the livelihood of all living things and represents purification. The Holy Spirit is also represented as water; the fountain of living water, John 7: 38-39. You feel alone and miserable after leaving the world and need to press into God in your search for Him. At Mara You find His living water but can’t drink it because it is too bitter. The water of this world taste sweet because it is mixed with sin. Only the tree (the crucifixion of Jesus) can make the water drinkable. Without the crucifixion we would have been unable to receive the Holy Spirit and purify ourselves with Gods living water. After cleansing we become a fountain of living water. Twelve tribes of Israel were led out of Egypt and scripture states that there were 12 wells (water fountains) at Elim. Thus the Israelite's who drank the living water became a fountain of living water. We read that there were 70 palm trees. A palm-tree represents victory. Concluding that cleansing and consuming the spiritual water lead to the victory of the spiritual over the carnal and the worldly lusts.

After cleansing we are fed with manna – spiritual bread. Deuteronomy 8: 2-3. Man do not live by bread (physical earthly bread) alone but by every word proceeding out of the mouth of God.  Only God can speak life and therefore provide us with living bread, His Word. His Word speaks life into every situation. God’s Word is the manna in everyone's life, the manna that feeds us; our daily bread.
When we face temptations and obstacles we murmur against God. We are so easily angered when things do not go our way and lose sight of the fact that God has a greater plan. We have to place God’s will before our own and trust Him. In like manner Israel murmured against God losing sight of the Promised Land that lay ahead.  God cleansed Israel and fed them but their carnal nature made them rebel. After received bread they immediately complained that they lack meat. We are the same, we complain when we lack but are never satisfied with what we have. We forget that the world we live in is temporary just like our flesh and fleshly nature. We are ignorant of the fact that our spiritual being is the one that is eternal and will not enter eternity if we do not feed him spiritual food.  Now Matthew 6 takes on a total different meaning. Jesus made it clear that we first have to seek the kingdom of God, before we seek carnal things. Seeking Gods kingdom will prevent us from running after fleshly desires and allow God to bless us abundantly.

Can God become angry with us? Can His temper flare up against us? Yes indeed. It is very dangerous to continually murmur against God. We read that God sees our murmuring as tempting Him. Hebrews 3: 7-17. Our sinful nature and our fleshly or carnal desires harden our hearts against God. We can die in “our desert state”and never reach the Promised land. Therefore God should NOT be tempted.  We read in Matthew 4 how Jesus applied this very principle when he reacted to Satan’s temptation. Satan uses our carnal nature as a weapon and therefore requested Jesus (who was weak and hungry) to turn stones into bread. Jesus chose the spiritual eternity above human carnality. These temptations took place in the desert after Jesus’es baptism with water and before His ministry began! The Israelite's wandered the desert for 40 years, Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days. The eternal came to earth and walked out the same desert period in His earthly life. God lowered Himself to our level. Thus in order to be redeemed every person will have to go through this period.

We can not belong to God if we are not prepared to journey with Him. Due to our human nature it takes time for us to learn Gods ways.  God lead His people into the desert and brought them to Sinai to prove them and teach them. God taught Israel His laws and commandments. They had to accept and come into agreement with God; make a covenant. God gave them a choice. Likewise our desert period is a period of teaching, accepting and agreeing. We can choose eternal life or spiritual death. It is sad that Christians refuse to acknowledge Gods laws and want to separate the Old Testament from the New Testament.  They are of the opinion that Moses and His laws do not apply to them. These laws are the foundation of Gods kingdom. Jesus made it very clear that He did not come to abolish the law but to complete the Law. When God heals spiritual blindness He reveals His laws and their significance. By nullifying God’s laws, we are nullifying God and Jesus and devalue the whole redemption plan of God. Satan’s mission is to influence us to become lawless and bring the spirit of lawlessness into our lives. By heading to Satan we allow Satan entry points into our lives and thus tie ourselves to Egypt, Babylon and even worse Canaan. Our lawlessness makes us more important than God and allows pride to enter our hearts and minds. Pride builds a barrier between us and God.

God lived among the Israelite's and therefore the tabernacle was built in the desert. The tabernacle was the place where God met with Moses and Aaron.  When we choose to walk with God, God will live within us and therefore we build a tabernacle in our hearts. Our tabernacle is built inside us during our desert period. The tabernacle foreshadowed the crucifixion of Jesus and His eternal sacrifice. Jesus enables us to appear without blemish before God; He removes our sin that hinders us to come before God. The wages of sin is death. If you sin the law requires that you die. God is eternal and God’s laws are also eternal and therefore it means eternal death. The lamb that was sacrificed enabled the person who sinned to live. It therefore removed the stains of sin and enabled God to live among Israel. God is holy therefore His people must be holy. If we want God to live within us we have to be holy and lead a holy life! Nobody is perfect and no-one without sin but we have to choose to live different from the world. The earthly tabernacle was a representation of the heavenly tabernacle where Jesus is our high priest. I never understood that in order for God to forgive I have to repent and bring my sins to Him. The high priest could not bring an offer if the sinner did not come to him with the sacrifice. Jesus crucifixion did not automatically forgive our sins, we also have a part to play. We have to search for our sins and lay them before Jesus and then His blood will forgive.  If we do nothing, Jesus can likewise do nothing!

So many spiritual lessons are taught in the desert period. One short writing piece will never do all of the lessons justice. I can only pray that each person turning to God’s Word in search of the lessons will be lead by the Holy Spirit. I also pray that God will reveal the spiritual truths to them that seek Him.

LORD I thank you for Your love.Thank You that You loved us so much that You created a phenomenal plan to redeem us and free us from an everlasting death. I am in awe that You already revealed all of Your plans in Genesis and Exodus. We are too entangled in the world and too blind to see, LORD forgive our ignorance.  Help me to make the right choices, let Your commandments become my norm and Your Word my daily bread. I want to drink from Your fountain of living water and cleanse myself. I kneel before You my Living and True God and Ruler, Creator of the heavens and earth. Guide me and teach me, I want to lay my sins before Jesus my high priest; only His blood can forgive.  I ask everything with a meek heart in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
