Do not follow Elimelech!!!

Lord our God we can only thank You for the revelation you give. May only Your Name be glorified and may Your message reach every heart.

The story of Ruth explains the spiritual path we walk with God in such a beautiful way and is filled with spiritual principals. The book of Ruth cross references with Judges 6: 4-6 and relates to the time of the Judges.

In the days when the Judges ruled , there was a famine in the land. The famine came as a curse; Israel disobeyed God and worshiped Idols. Elimelech took his wife Naomi and his two sons and sojourned in the land of Moab.  Elimelech and his sons died in Moab and never returned to Israel. Elimelech did not humble himself before God nor did he repent for his and the nation of Israel’s sins. We can conclude that he did not accept God’s judgement and tried to avoid judgement by moving to a different country. He therefore rejects God. Elimelech’s rejection of God’s judgement did not just cause his own death but also caused his son’s deaths. By rejecting God’s punishment Elimelech did not have a linage. Both his sons died; married men without children.

Before Israel crossed into the promised land they spoke blessings and curses over themselves. Deuteronomy 28. Blessings will rest upon them if they obeyed God and His laws and curses will come over them and their children if they disobeyed God. People feel that curses are against the nature of a loving God and argue that God can’t be a loving God if he allows curses. We find God’s character throughout scripture and God is loving, kind, patient, righteous, just, fair, honest and holy.  

Job the oldest book in the Bible was recorded to serve as an explanation. We know that Satan brought accusations against Job. Job 1: 6-13 and Job 2: 1-7. Satan claimed that Job only worshiped God because God protected him and made him extremely wealthy. Satan did not test Job but tested Gods judgement and fairness. If Satan could prove that God was unfair or unjust then he could question God’s judgement. By proving God wrong Satan would also prove that the judgement God rendered over him were wrong. Satan lost his position due to iniquity; Satan’s pride caused his fall. Isaiah 14: 12-17. Satan wanted to dethrone God and refused to remove sin from his heart. God being a righteous judge can’t be unfair or unjust. In every single situation God must give a fair ruling. God uses curses to scold us and teach us. God also builds character within us. With every curse that realize in our lives, due to our disobedience, Satan observes the situation. He wants God to act unjust and give us advantage.  When we humble ourselves and seek God, then God can act on our behalf without being unjust or unfair. It is important that we realize that we have to seek forgiveness from God. We will not receive redemption without repentance, Isaiah 59. God’s love for us is bigger than we will ever be able to comprehend. God laid down the plans and laws for redemption before the creation of the earth. Thus before Adam was created the redemption-plan was already created. God leaves nothing to chance. 

God, Creator of the Universe, gave man and ONLY man authority over the earth. No spirit or spiritual being received authority. God ordained this as a law to protect man but to also give man the option of fair choice. Adam and Eve gave their authority (the power to rule over earth) to Satan. Through their belief of Satan’s lies and rejection of God’s truth, they handed over their authority and opened up the door for curses to enter the earth. Adam’s disobedience allowed spiritual laws to enacted and bring curses. It is not God that brings curses, it is our disobedience. Jesus overcame sin, overcame Satan and overcame curses. Being made a curse on our behalf Jesus was crucified. Jesus won back authority and gave the authority back to man. How great is our God, how Wonderful? When we allow things into our life that is against God’s laws and principals we give Satan and his evil forces authority over our lives. They bring curses over our lives, take us captive and place us in bondage. They also obtain the right to rule over everything we have; our children, finances, health, earthly possessions and land. Everything we own becomes a curse and is therefore accursed.

We get angry with God when things go wrong. We blame God and accuse Him of not caring for us. Before we get angry with God and blame Him for all the things going wrong in our lives, we have to examine ourselves. We have to take a hard look at our lives and determine where we disobeyed God. God never leaves us, we leave Him. Take up the mirror of grace and seek for the sins in your life, place the sins before Jesus, repent and ask for forgiveness and God will hear your prayers. 1 Peter 3:12. We are warned not to resent God’s judgement and punishments. May God show us every obstacle and may His grace lead us to true repentance and forgiveness.

LORD our God please protect everyone receiving this message. God lead them and show them every hindrance keeping them from You and help them to remove the curses from their lives. Only through Your Holy Spirit are we able to lay our sins down before Jesus for forgiveness. We need You LORD. Thank You LORD for Your everlasting, never-ending love LORD our God and Jesus Christ our King. Amen.
