
Showing posts from October, 2020

The woman at the well – John 4: 1-30

  God is Almighty, Powerful and Omnipresent. He is in control of every detail of our lives. There is nothing that He does not know, nothing He did not plan, nothing that can shock Him and nothing that will take Him by surprise. We only have to live our daily lives to the best of our ability and walk the path that He laid before us in faith. We are required to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, with all our soul and with our whole mind; and our neighbor as our-self. Our obedience is better than burnt offerings and our faith is all we need to manifest the Kingdom of God in our lives. LORD our God and Father thank You for the revelation You give. May Your Message be revealed in It’s purest form through Your Word and Your Holy name honored. The most powerful message of the gospels is surely John 4 – Jesus and the woman from Samaria. To value the importance and significance of the message we need to understand Samaria, the Samarians and their origin.  The province of Samaria