The woman at the well – John 4: 1-30


God is Almighty, Powerful and Omnipresent. He is in control of every detail of our lives. There is nothing that He does not know, nothing He did not plan, nothing that can shock Him and nothing that will take Him by surprise. We only have to live our daily lives to the best of our ability and walk the path that He laid before us in faith. We are required to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, with all our soul and with our whole mind; and our neighbor as our-self. Our obedience is better than burnt offerings and our faith is all we need to manifest the Kingdom of God in our lives. LORD our God and Father thank You for the revelation You give. May Your Message be revealed in It’s purest form through Your Word and Your Holy name honored.

The most powerful message of the gospels is surely John 4 – Jesus and the woman from Samaria. To value the importance and significance of the message we need to understand Samaria, the Samarians and their origin. 

The province of Samaria included the land of Ephraim and Manasseh. The land was divided as per God’s ordinance when the children of Israel entered Canaan. In the book of Judges 17 we read how Micah a member of the tribe of Ephraim, built his own temple and appointed a Levite as priest who served in his temple. The offers the priest, who belonged to God because he was a Levite by birth, brought was not offered to God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The Levite brought strange fire, offering to a graven image and not God and therefore it can only be seen as idol worship; Exodus 20:4. Israel was not in the Promised Land for very long before strange fire went up for idols from the mountain of Ephraim. The idol worship breached the covenant that Israel made with God in Deuteronomy 28 and resulted in curses coming over all the children of Israel.  

After king Solomon’s death the kingdom was split into two: Judah and Israel 1 Kings 12. God anointed Jeroboam as king over Israel. Jeroboam built golden calves and placed one in Beth –el and another in Dan. He ordered the children of Israel to worship the golden calves and claimed that they were the gods that brought them from Egypt. Jeroboam was afraid that Israel would return to the house of David, the king of Judah if they went to Jerusalem to sacrifice to God, for the temple was in Jerusalem. Samaria is mentioned for the first time in 1 Kings 13:32. God sent a prophet to speak against Jeroboam and the altar that he was busy sacrificing on. The prophet disobeyed Gods command and therefore God sent a lion to kill him.

The next time Samaria is mentioned is in 1 Kings 16:24. King Omri bought the hill of Samaria of Shemer for two talents of silver and built a city on the hill and called it Samaria after it’s owner Semer. The king built his palace on the same hill where sacrifices were made to idols and other gods in the land of Ephraim. The king tied his kingdom spiritually to idol worship and thereby gave Satan and his demons power and authority over the land. It is therefore not surprising that every king and generation repeated the sins of Jeroboam. It is also not surprising that Omri’s son Ahab married Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal. Jezebel was a priestess of Baal the god for which children was sacrificed. 1 Kings 16:33 clearly states that Ahab provoked God more that all the other kings and sinned against God. The spiritual power Satan gained through disobedience of Israel led to Jericho being rebuilt. 

God compared His relationship with Israel to a marriage. Every time Israel worshiped other gods, they were described as an adulteress. Ahab did not just leave God he married Satan. Ahab’s earthly marriage to Jezebel opened spiritual doors to a spiritual covenant with Satan. This gave Satan power and authority in Israel. It is important to realize that God brings blessings but Satan due to his fallen nature brings curses. (Satan left Gods presence and therefore finds himself in a state of deterioration, deteriorating further and further on a daily basis. God is life and when you leave Him you die of part by part on a daily basis).  Where Satan and his demons are at work you will always find curses, strife, hate, rebellion and unfairness. 

Through Israel’s disobedience Samaria became a place of curses and devil worship. In 2 Kings 17: 7 -23 the Bible makes it very clear that Israel’s idol worship, disobedience, child sacrifice and rejection of God and His commandments  provoked God to anger and therefore God rejected Israel and removed them from the land. The king of Assyria carried Israel away. Israel was exiled to Assyria never to return to their homeland. Israel was placed in bondage through God’s Righteous Judgement. God is in control of every situation and will always deliver a fair judgement visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children unto the third and fourth generation but shows mercy upon thousands of those that love Him and keep His commandments. You can’t serve God and other gods. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:24 that you will love the one and hate the other.

The Assyrian king brought men from Babylon, Cuthah, Ava, Hamath and Sepharvaim and placed them in the cities of Samaria. The different nations better known as the Samarians did not serve nor feared God and were attacked by lions. The Samaritans consulted the Assyrian King and it came to light that they did not fear the God of the land nor knew His Ordinances. A priest of Israel were sent to teach the Samarians the ordinances of God. Each of the different nations in Samaria made their own god, in total six different gods. They feared the LORD God of Israel but continued to worship their own gods as well. Verse 35 made it clear that God made a covenant with the Samarians and commanded them not to worship other gods, nor bow to them, nor serve them nor sacrifice to them; the very same covenant that He made with Israel.

John 4:4 reads that Jesus must (had to go) through Samaria, thus it was ordained or better still part of God’s bigger plan. What is man, that thou are mindful of him? And the son of man that thou visitest him? For thou has made him a litter lower than the angels, and has crowned him with glory and honour.  With God nothing is mere coincidence, everything is perfectly planned. Outside this city in Samaria is the well of Jacob. When prophesies refer to Jacob, it refers to people seeking God Psalm 24:6. The Samarians could only drink from God’s water through the grace of God. They could only drink a little bit at a time and understood very little – they drank from Jacob’s well (because they seek God). Jesus being the living water and offering the living water to the Samarians made the Samarians partakers of the promises that Judah and Israel received. The Samarians became the spiritual principal of every gentile drinking from the well of Jacob. By drinking from Jacob’s well we receive the cleansing living water of Jesus quenching our thirst for God’s Word and giving us eternal life.

Jesus reveals to the Samarian woman that her “husbands” hindered her to receive living water. The woman and her “husbands” were the physical portrait of Samaria’s spiritual problems; her “husbands” hindered her to receive salvation and eternal life. Samaria worshiped God and other idols but remained thirsty and seeking. Jesus gave the woman (Samaria) the chance to leave her husbands (idols / gods) and enter into a new covenant, a better covenant where she (they) can receive eternal life. The physical conversation, the physical event opened the spiritual doors for EVERY Gentile to receive God’s promises and become part of His Kingdom. The Word, Jesus Christ removed every hindrance in His victory over Satan and his dark forces becoming a fountain of living water for those that baptize in and drink from Him. Jesus led her to the truth – the true worshipers will worship God the father in spirit and truth for God is a Spirit and seek such to worship Him. The condition remains that we as true worshippers must leave our earthly ”gods” and worship God through Jesus Christ who cleanse us and became a sacrifice for our sins.

Satan thought he won when the Assyrians captured the Israelites and exiled them to Assyria. Satan thought he won when other nations were placed in Samaria. He also thought he obtained victory when he crucified Jesus. He, Satan could never guess nor grasp that everything that happened formed part of God’s bigger plan and would open the doors for every Gentile to receive salvation. God knows the end from the beginning for He created everything and through Him everything came into existence. Jesus redeemed every single person/ human being that walked and will still walk on this earth. Before you think that your situation is lost, before you think that Satan won, look at Samaria. Maybe it just looks lost - God already WON!!. LORD our Almighty God, You LORD are the God who created the heavens and the earth, You LORD are Just, Fair and HOLY we thank You LORD that You redeemed us through the precious blood of Your only Son Jesus Christ. Thank You LORD and thank You LORD Jesus for Your Unconditional Love and Mercy, thank You for Your victory on my behalf. Please give me Your water Lord Jesus I do not want to thirst anymore. Amen
