
The woman at the well – John 4: 1-30

  God is Almighty, Powerful and Omnipresent. He is in control of every detail of our lives. There is nothing that He does not know, nothing He did not plan, nothing that can shock Him and nothing that will take Him by surprise. We only have to live our daily lives to the best of our ability and walk the path that He laid before us in faith. We are required to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, with all our soul and with our whole mind; and our neighbor as our-self. Our obedience is better than burnt offerings and our faith is all we need to manifest the Kingdom of God in our lives. LORD our God and Father thank You for the revelation You give. May Your Message be revealed in It’s purest form through Your Word and Your Holy name honored. The most powerful message of the gospels is surely John 4 – Jesus and the woman from Samaria. To value the importance and significance of the message we need to understand Samaria, the Samarians and their origin.  The province of Samaria

Do not follow Elimelech!!!

Lord our God we can only thank You for the revelation you give. May only Your Name be glorified and may Your message reach every heart. The story of Ruth explains the spiritual path we walk with God in such a beautiful way and is filled with spiritual principals. The book of Ruth cross references with Judges 6: 4-6 and relates to the time of the Judges. In the days when the Judges ruled , there was a famine in the land. The famine came as a curse; Israel disobeyed God and worshiped Idols. Elimelech took his wife Naomi and his two sons and sojourned in the land of Moab.  Elimelech and his sons died in Moab and never returned to Israel. Elimelech did not humble himself before God nor did he repent for his and the nation of Israel’s sins. We can conclude that he did not accept God’s judgement and tried to avoid judgement by moving to a different country. He therefore rejects God. Elimelech’s rejection of God’s judgement did not just cause his own death but also caused his son’s deaths

Babylon the disillusion

Lord I can only praise and glorify Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord that You reveal Your hidden spiritual truths to us. I ask that You will unlock Your Word and open our minds, ears an hearts. We hunger for Your Word and Your bread.   Lord protect and guide me in my walk with you. I can only thank You Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation and for the power I have through Your mighty Name. Amen Babylon is first mentioned in Genesis 7 – 9. After the flood the children of Noah dwelt in Shinar. We read in Genesis 11 that the lineage of Noah under the leadership of Nimrod erected the tower of Babel. Genesis 10: 8 – 10 describes Nimrod as a mighty hunter before God, thus a hunter of people and their souls. Nimrod started the kingdom of Babylon which means confusion and is therefore the father of confusion. Nimrod being a mighty hunter did not subdue to God or subject himself to God, he opposed God. Daniel 4: 30 – 37 Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon refused to humble himself before G

The desert period

The Desert Period I would just like to remind you that the explanations are based on spiritual meaning. In the same manner that you are lead out of a “spiritual Egypt” you will be lead into a “spiritual desert”. LORD I thank You for every revelation and ask that Your message will be received in its purest form. LORD may Your Name be honored and may Your Light shine upon every person that takes Your message to heart. I ask everything in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ. You left Egypt and its idols, you want to serve God but find yourself in the desert. It is not the nicest or easiest place to be in. We read in Exodus 15 that after wandering for three days without finding any water the Israelite's found water at Mara. Water has an extensive spiritual meaning. Water is the livelihood of all living things and represents purification. The Holy Spirit is also represented as water; the fountain of living water, John 7: 38-39. You feel alone and miserable after leaving the wor

Spiritual Egypt

Spiritual Egypt We read our Bibles and see the “stories” as mere “children’s stories”. We are ignorant and do not realise the significant meaning and spiritual insight every “story” has. The “stories” are just as relevant to our lives today as it has been when it was written. I thank the LORD for every revelation I receive through His Word. I pray that every person receiving this message will take it to heart and that it will bless their spiritual life. I pray that spiritual blindness will be removed and that eyes will be opened. I pray that God’s Word will reveal itself. I further pray that no evil spirit, principality or power will have authority to steal or twist this message and use it to their advantage. Lord let Your Word reach everyone in its pure state and let it exalt Your Name. I ask everything in the mighty name of Jesus our Saviour. God is merciful and reveals His secrets and spiritual truths to those that seek Him with their whole heart. God’s chosen people,

Prayer - Government, Medical personal, Watchmen

LORD Our God LORD we thank You for Your grace and Mercy towards all South Africans. LORD we continue to pray for our government. LORD thank you for guiding our President, Head of Departments and every leader in this country. Thank You that Your Holy Spirit is with our police, traffic officers, soldiers, doctors, nurses and medical staff. LORD You know that they put their health at risk for us. Your word says that there is no grater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. LORD please accept their sacrifice and protect them against illness and harm. LORD I pray for every watchmen You have appointed over this land. LORD thank You that You guide and lead them. LORD open my ears and let me hearken to their voice, for they speak Your Words LORD. LORD let us listen and obey when we hear the sound of the trumpet. LORD let Your Spirit strengthen every person that is appointed for this time and let them be obedient to You. LORD You give us might, power and victory

Prayer - Overcome

Our Merciful God in Heaven We sing praise and exalt Your wonderful name! Your mercies are great, Your hand never far, Your heart pure and upright, Your Word the foundations of my life. There is no other God but You, for You LORD are a living God. I will call upon the LORD, Who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into his ears. Thank You LORD for delivering me from my strong enemy, and from those that hate me, for my enemy was too strong for me. LORD write Your laws upon my heart, cleanse my mind and fill it with Your thoughts. Lord let every person know You, from the least to the greatest among us. Allow us LORD to press into You, we want to hear Your Voice and be in Your presence. We thank You that You are a God who never forgets His children. Thank You LORD that You love us with an everlasting love and grant us unfailin