
Showing posts from March, 2020

Prayer - Overcome

Our Merciful God in Heaven We sing praise and exalt Your wonderful name! Your mercies are great, Your hand never far, Your heart pure and upright, Your Word the foundations of my life. There is no other God but You, for You LORD are a living God. I will call upon the LORD, Who is worthy to be praised, so shall I be saved from my enemies. In my distress I called upon the LORD and cried unto my God: He heard my voice out of His temple, and my cry came before Him, even into his ears. Thank You LORD for delivering me from my strong enemy, and from those that hate me, for my enemy was too strong for me. LORD write Your laws upon my heart, cleanse my mind and fill it with Your thoughts. Lord let every person know You, from the least to the greatest among us. Allow us LORD to press into You, we want to hear Your Voice and be in Your presence. We thank You that You are a God who never forgets His children. Thank You LORD that You love us with an everlasting love and grant us unfailin

Prayer -Righteous Judge

O LORD Merciful God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained; What is man, that You are mindful of him? and the son of man, that You visit Him? LORD will we as humans ever realize how special we are to You? You gave us dominion over the earth; sent Your son to die for our sins and take care of our every need. Yet we fail to recognize, honor and obey You LORD. LORD I want to be glad and rejoice in You; I will sing praise to Your Name. When my enemies (even sickness) are turned back they shall fall and perish at Your presence. LORD You maintain my right and my cause whilst You judge righteously and with uprightness. Thank You LORD that You judge in righteousness and uprightness. Thank You LORD that my pleadings and case will be heard. LORD thank You that You are my refuge in times of trouble and do not forsake us that seek You. Thank You LORD that You never forget the cry of the hu

Prayer - Devine intervention

LORD my God, the God of Heaven and Earth LORD I bow before You, how great Thou are. Creator of Heavens and Earth, our Righteous Judge and Redeemer, our God who heals and saves. God Your Word declares You are love, Christ's ministry was founded on love, and Your biggest commandment is love. Thank You for Your endless love. Lord search my heart and show me where I foster hate . Help me to repent and come in line with Your Word that says I should Love. LORD fill us with Your love and let us overflow. We will never understand Your ways LORD, Your ways are not our ways, nor are Your thoughts our thoughts. LORD let Your spirit of  peace come over us. Lord You are in control and we thank You that everything will always work for our good. Lord thank You that You placed me where You need me. LORD help me to glorify Your Name in everything I say, do and think. Thank you that even in difficult times Your purpose for me will let my light shine in darkness. LORD when You sent Jonah to

Prayer - Healing through fasting

Lord my God and Heavenly Father. Thank You LORD that you show us Your will through Your Word. Thank you for Your mercy towards us LORD. LORD forgive our  jokes about the virus and our refusal to humble ourselves before You. LORD forgive those that feast and drink in a time of mourning and judgement. LORD we pray that You will open our eyes, minds and hearts. LORD when all the Jews fasted and humbled themselves before You, You had mercy, heard their prayers and delivered them from the decree that Haman sent out to have them killed. (Esther) LORD let our fasting be one that You have chosen: to brake the yoke of sickness and for our prayers to be heard. LORD let us share what we have with those that are hungry. Place upon our hearts the manner in which You want us to obey. LORD help us to understand that we should not fast with a miserable countenance but that you require that we wash our face and that our appearance be as one that do not fast. Lord Your word makes it clear that w

Prayer - Who can be against us?

Our Heavenly Father LORD thank You that nothing can separate us from Your love. LORD Your Word makes it clear that  tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or the sword, neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from Your love God that is in JESUS CHRIST. LORD let us live by Your Word and meditate on It. LORD if You are for us, who can be against us? LORD thank You that You gave us the Holy Spirit to intercede for us in prayer. LORD we as humans do not know what is to come and what we should pray for but You do LORD. Thank You that Your Spirit will work in me and direct my prayers. Let Your spirit LORD direct me and let every action I take come from You. LORD stop my mouth from speaking evil, wickedness and misfortune over myself and my country. LORD Your Word says if we are led by the Spirit that We ar

Prayer - Lockdown

Our Father in Heaven, our Provider, our Healer LORD thank You for Your mercy and grace. LORD Your Word commands us in Philippians 4:4 to rejoice in You always. LORD we even have to rejoice in You in troubled times. LORD let my heart rejoice and fill me with your joy. LORD we ask with a humble heart that You will hear our prayer and grant our request. LORD JESUS Your Word says that whatever we ask in Your name you will give. JESUS You also said that You leave Your peace and give Your peace to us. LORD please let Your peace that surpass all human understanding cover South Africa, our country; let all the people's minds and hearts overflow with Your peace LORD. LORD, I ask that You will command the spirits of fear tormenting our people in this troubled time to leave our country and our people. Bind the spirits of fear, LORD and let Your angels encamp around the people of South Africa. LORD where people do not have enough money and food to lock down for 21 days, LORD I ask that

Prayer - Isaiah 43 and 44

Lord the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob God we stand before Your throne as humans LORD. LORD Your Holy Spirit led me to Isiah 43 and 44. LORD our world do not serve You. LORD they believe in medicine and science. LORD please forgive them. God we make our technology and money our god, we serve humans and place their opinions in high esteem. We are so busy that we hardly have time for You. LORD forgive us for putting earthly things above You. Your Word says that You did not burden us with offerings but instead of giving You our first fruits and thank offerings or tithes we want to please You with our sins. LORD what a stench have we tried to put before You. Please forgive us for this LORD. Help us to understand that we are required to offer with a good heart towards others, the needy and widows. LORD we want so much but are prepared to give so little. Forgive us LORD. Forgive us LORD for every time we blasphemy Your Holy Name. When we hear or see people blasphemy Your Name we ac

Prayer Hope

LORD my God I thank You LORD that You protect me and that I woke this morning unharmed. LORD I rejoice in You, thank You for every blessing that I will receive today. LORD thank You that You are in control of my life, my country and this world. LORD I lay every decision I have to make at Your feet, in everything I have to do I acknowledge You my LORD. Direct my path and lead me on the right path, let my feet flee from sin and wickedness. Open my eyes LORD, I want to see You in every situation You place before me. LORD I fear You and I place my hope in You. LORD let Your mercy be upon me and my family. LORD where there is hope there is faith. None of the people that believed in You were ever disappointed LORD, therefore I place all my trust in You my God. I trust that all Your plans concerning me are only good and in my best interest. I place my life in Your hands to shape and to mold just like the potter would do with clay. LORD I want to be one of Your masterpieces. LORD let

Prayer 2 - Corona Virus

Our Father in Heaven, our Righteous Judge and JESUS our Redeemer LORD we thank You for Your mercy and love towards us. LORD thank You that You forgive our sins. Lord if their is any sin that I have to repent off, please show it to me in order for me to repent.  LORD your word says that we are not to come empty handed before you. LORD please remember every prayer that every believer prayed towards You regarding the virus. LORD please remember YOUR children and act on their behalf. LORD we intercede for our world, for every nation and every tongue.  LORD please forgive their sins and show them Your way. LORD I serve You and I stand on Your Word that says that You will bless my bread and water and take sickness away from me. LORD JESUS You died for my sins and bore my sickness. LORD Jesus stop the voices of our accusers and let Your blood speak on our behalf. Stop this virus that came over us in its tracks and revoke the rights of the enemy that brought it over us. LORD hear

Prayer - Treasures

LORD our God and Saviour LORD we come before you in meekness and ask you to bless us with peace. LORD only You can bless us with a peace that surpass human understanding. We thank You LORD. God let us meditate on YOUR Word today. LORD let us lay up our treasures in heaven, for where our treasures are our heart will be. For what do it help us to gain the whole world and lose our souls. Thank You LORD that we can turn to You with our every need. We love You LORD. We praise Your Holy name. Amen.

Prayer - Strength

LORD my God, the sovereign Ruler of heaven and earth Thank You LORD for another day that You have given us and also for the provisions that You have provided for this day. I rejoice for this is the day the LORD hath made. Thank You God that You hold our country in your hands. LORD I pray for every person in a leadership position in this country, I pray for our doctors, medical staff and ambulance personnel. LORD give them wisdom and guide them to make decisions that is within Your Will LORD. Let Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. LORD with a humble heart we seek strength for today. Your Word says that you give strength to the weak and power to the faint. Give us strength to face today's troubles and power to fight the battles that will cross our path. LORD let Your love be a blanket that enfold us. LORD we thank You that You have our best interest at heart. LORD we will never fully understand all Your ways. Your thoughts LORD and ways are not ours therefore we

Prayer - Blood

God Almighty and Jesus Christ my Savior Thank You LORD for Your precious blood. Thank You that your blood washed me clean of my sins. Thank You that Your blood enabled me to stand before God Almighty. I praise You LORD JESUS! LORD thank You that Your blood enabled a new covenant and that Your blood gave us the chance to have eternal life. LORD let every person in this world understand the price You paid for them. We as a nation so easily shed innocent blood without thinking. LORD will we really comprehend how much blood is shed in this country? Did we realize that You will require this blood from us? No Lord, we did not, our shepherds led us astray. We repent LORD and ask Your guidance. LORD give us shepherds that believes in You. LORD we are not doing well because we are not listening to You. We are a stubborn nation. Your blood is the only thing that can save and justify us LORD. Thank You that Your blood will speak on my behalf today. LORD please bless our food, for we d

Prayer - We need You - GOD

Our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The only true God. LORD we need You. We are nothing without You LORD, out of our own we can do nothing LORD. Cleanse us LORD with Your water, let Your Holy Spirit overflow within us. LORD your word says that man will not live by bread alone but from every word coming from You. LORD JESUS please speak living words over me and my family. Thank You Jesus that You love me, I worship You my savior. Worthy are only You, for You bore the cross for my sins. Remove the blemish caused by sin LORD. If there is any sin that I am unaware of please show it to me in order for me to repent LORD. LORD break every altar set up against me and my family. LORD bind the demons that is sent against me. LORD I take up my armor as in Ephesians 6 : 10-18 and thank You LORD that you will give me the same faith that David had when he faced Goliath. Thank You LORD that Your angels encamp around me and protect me and that I will also be able to say that those th

Prayer - Destiny

My Heavenly Father, God the Almighty, Creator of the heavens and the earth; LORD I bow before You and come before you with a meek heart. LORD Your word says that we should turn to You, LORD my help can only come from You. Lord You will protect me for You do not sleep nor slumber. LORD You protect my every move and preserve me from evil, thank You LORD. LORD I ask that You reveal my destiny to me. LORD show me where I should be. LORD connect me to the right people and place me in the right place. LORD I know that Your plans for me surpass my human understanding. LORD you have peace and prosperity planned for me. LORD guide me to know Your plans and give me the strength and faith to walk the path that You have pre-planned for me. LORD open my spiritual eyes and give me the spirit of discernment. LORD show me the snares of the enemy and the hindrances that prevents me from fulfilling my destiny. I ask all of this in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ my Savior. LORD I come into ag

Prayer - Fear

LORD My God Thank You for another morning, thank You that You have already made provision  for this day. LORD let me understand that Your timing is perfect and that You are in control. You have the whole world in Your hands and nothing can happen without You knowing. LORD You are omnipresent. God teach me to resent the spirit of fear tormenting me and my family. Your Word says that if you resent the Devil he will flee from You. LORD I choose to believe in You and believe that You always have my best interest at heart. Thank You LORD that I can place my trust in you. Thank You for redeeming me and thank You for loving me. Amen Isaiah 43:1 - Don't fear for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine.

Prayer - Giving

Our Heavenly Father I thank You for every blessing that I have. Lord thank You that You take care of my every need. LORD we are human and fail in so many ways. LORD help us understand Your Word. You require that we seek Your kingdom LORD and one of Your Kingdom requirements is giving. Help us to understand that by giving we honor and glorify Your Name. Everything we have, we have received from You, LORD. Nothing comes out of our own doing.  The salary we receive and the people crossing our paths and blessing us is because You have worked on our behalf.  Therefore LORD help us to give with a cheerful heart. LORD guide us not to give in order to be seen. LORD your word makes it clear that we should not seek human reward for giving but that we should give in secret. LORD my earnest request in the Name of Jesus is that you will help me to become a cheerful giver. LORD remove the scales from our eyes and the world from our hearts. Direct my path to become more like You Jesus and m

Prayer - Forgiveness Judgement

LORD our God I stand before you my Redeemer, my LORD and my Father. LORD hear my prayer and forgive my sins for anyone saying that he is without sin is lying LORD. No man can be just before You in his own capacity. Your word LORD declares that You do not respect persons. Thank You Jesus that Your blood removed my sin and enabled me to come before God the Father. Lord I ask Your help. As a human being I judge and speak judgement over other human beings. Lord forgive me for every judgement that I have spoken. Lord Your Word makes it clear that only You are allowed to judge for You are a Righteous Judge. Holy is the Lamb of God who is without blemish! Lord please help me to tame my tongue. I do not want Your condemnation over me. LORD help me to serve You only and not the creation or human beings. LORD the world ensnares us and we end up serving money, people, ourselves, fame and worldly lusts. Lord I repent for every wrong choice I have made and every time that I served other

Prayer - not to Judge

Lord My God I humble myself before You my God. Jesus I am a sinner and you paid a high price to redeem my sins. LORD please forgive my sins and help me not to judge other people's sins. Lord help me to be a doer of Your Law for Your Word says that doers of Your Law are justified. Let the Holy spirit lead me and direct me; LORD write Your laws upon my heart. LORD help me to forgive the people that wrong me. Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, evil speaking and malice be put away from me. LORD help me to be kind, tenderhearted and forgiving. Out of my own capabilities I will not be able to do this, LORD please give me Your strength in my weakness. LORD where I am wrong please search my heart and show me, for my path is right in my own eyes. I need your wisdom and chastising. LORD where people plan my destruction I plead that You will intervene. Your Word God says that everything will work together for good for us that love You. Please God let every obstacle and misfortune becom

Power of Prayer

Lord my God and Jesus Christ my redeemer. Lord how can I thank You. Lord I am in awe. You are busy working miracles. We will never be able to comprehend Your thoughts, nor can We see Your plan, but to be part of Your bigger plan is the biggest honor You can bestow. Thank you LORD!!! LORD it fills me with joy when I read prayers people post and realize that people turn to You in prayer. The body of Christ united in prayer is so powerful. God thank You for this revival and unification. Thank You for every person that is part of Your bigger plan and thank You that You raised us for a time like this. LORD thank You for Your light shining through people. LORD let Your light reach everyone's hearts. LORD let Your Holy Spirit unite our prayers and form a barrier the enemy can not cross. LORD help us to lay our differences aside and pray as one. Thank You LORD for every miracle You grant and every life You save. Thank You God that You allow us to spread Your message and Your love.

Prayer - Healing Coronavirus

God our Father in heaven and Jesus Christ our savor. Lord we exalt Your Holy Name. Your word Lord says that if we pray with faith that you will grant our prayer. LORD You know that I believe in You; I believe that the same God that did all the miracles in the Bible, old and new testaments, is the same God that I serve. Lord You spoke everything into existence, therefore God you only have to speak and people will be healed. I also know that JESUS did not die in vain and that his blood was precious and the price for our redemption expensive. How much did our sins LORD cost? and You bore all of them, for every nation and every tongue. JESUS You know every person by name. LORD how can we ever say thank you? LORD JESUS I bring before You and intercede on behalf of every person that is sick with the Corona-Virus. LORD please step in and bring healing to every person that call on You.You God are a God of love and mercy. LORD let the healing exalt YOUR name. Let the people bow down