
Showing posts from February, 2020

Prayer - Guard against desire

LORD our God, our Father, our righteous Judge, our Healer our Redeemer. LORD James 4: 1 has brought me to my knees before You. We fight and war my LORD due to the lusts of our flesh. LORD instead of worshiping you with a pure heart we war against our own soul. LORD forgive us Your children our fleshly desires and our vanity in chasing after our desires. LORD our nation kill, steal and deceive for their fleshly desires but their desires are never satisfied. LORD forgive this nation. Forgive me every time that I longed for something out of a fleshly desire. LORD help me to understand that I can not be angry that I have not received if I have not asked. LORD also help me to understand that whatever I ask in the name of Jesus will be given to me if it is within Your Will and Your Laws (Word). GOD let your Holy Spirit guide my prayers that whatever I ask will not just satisfy my needs and earthly desires but also enhance Your Kingdom my LORD. LORD my God remove me from this world an

Prayer - Humble Heart

Our Father in Heaven Holy is Your Name. LORD let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done. LORD let Your will be done in my life. LORD guide me for I do not know what tomorrow will bring. Let me plan with Your divine guidance. LORD JESUS, You said that we should not concern ourselves with the future for the future bring it's own sorrow. My life is but a vapor that will vanish away. Please guide me to make the right decisions today, for only You know the future and what it will bring. LORD let me not be boastful and rely on my own strength. Your word makes it clear that rejoicing in our own strength and "accomplishments" is evil. We LORD are so fast to boast and rely upon ourselves. LORD, You want us to take the leaven of the world out of our lives. Please help me LORD and replace the worldly leaven with YOUR leaven that can grow Your kingdom inside me. Teach me to be humble and meek in my daily life. I repent for becoming a 'god' through my use of social me

Gebed - Tong

Here my God en my Vader. Ek staan nederig voor U my Heer. Here ek het slegs toegang tot U deur Christus my Verlosser. Here Jesus dankie dat U bloed vir my intree en namens my spreek. Dankie dat U dit vir my moontlik gemaak het om voor God die Vader te verskyn. Here my versoek vandag is dat U my tong sal aanraak met U heilige vuur. Here U woord maak dit duidelik dat geen mens die tong kan tem nie, daarom Here het ek U hulp nodig. Here haal die gif uit my tong uit. Here U woord se verder dat die tong soos n' skip se roer is. n' Bittere klein deel wat n' groot skip stuur. Here laat my asb besef dat wat ek se kragtig is. Die woorde wat ek spreek my lot bepaal. Here toe U die aarde geskape het, het U gespreek en dit het gebeur. Here alhoewel ons nie U krag het nie funksioneer ons in U dimensies en daarom gebeur dit wat ons spreek. Here U woord se my tong is die pen van n' vaardige skrywer. Here help my om die regte woorde met my tong neer te pen. Here U woord se da

Prayer - Divine Assistance

Lord God and Savior, Lord my refuge I stretch forth my hands to thee. Lord your biggest commandment is love, You Lord is Love. Lord Your word says that if we love You, we will keep Your commandments. Lord we are human, we fail, help us Lord. We want to love You and out of our own capability it is impossible. We can only give thanks to in praise to You Lord, Your Mercy endures forever. Lord make me humble, prove me and clean my heart. Lord Your Word says that if I humble myself, pray, seek Your Face and turn from my wicked ways, You will hear my prayer, forgive my sins and heal my land. Lord Your word also says that You resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. Lord teach me to be humble. Lord I ask that You grant me patience. Lord if I have patience I can not anger easily and sin. Lord give me patience with my spouse, my family, my co-workers and everyone that cross my path today. Let Your patience and peace spread like a fire among those I meet. God step in when I am ang

Gebed - Verlossing en beskerming

Here, ons God en Vader, ons Regter en ons Leidsman ons Verlosser. Dankie Here vir nog n'dag wat verby is. Dankie vir U leiding en genade. Laat my gebed soos reukwerk voor U aangesig staan; die opheffing van my hande soos die aand offer. Strek uit die hoogte U hande uit; ruk my uit, red my uit groot waters, uit die hand van vreemdes, wie se mond leuns spreek en wie se regterhand n' regterhand van bedrog is. Welgeluksalig is die mens wie se God die Here is! Neig my hart nie tot iets wat sleg is, om godeloosheid dinge te doen saam met manne wat ongeregtigheid werk nie; en laat my van hulle lekkernye nie eet nie. Here stel n' wag voor my mond, bewaar die deur van my lippe. Lei my siel uit die gevangenis om U naam te loof! O God ek wil n' nuwe lied sing tot U eer! Leer my om U welbehae te doen want U is my God, laat U goeie Gees my lei. Heer vernietig my vyande in U goedentierentheid en bring hulle voor U regstoel, almal wat my as vyand behandel want ek is U kneg. H


Our God and Father who is in heaven Glorious is thy name. Lord Your word says that faith as big as a mustard seed can move a mountain. Lord I admit in times of need and trouble my faith withers. I am like Peter who wants to walk on water but fails. Lord Jesus I see the storm and focus on the storm and not on you Lord. Your word God says that everything is possible through You and I believe Your word. Lord help me to keep my focus on You. Lord Jesus every time you healed you told the people they are healed according to their faith. The woman who touched your cloak were healed according to her faith. Lord the Roman Commander believed in Your authority over the earth and sickness. He asked You just to speak healing over his servant. Jairus believed You could heal his daughter even though she was proclaimed dead. Lord I need their faith. Lord I stand before You and ask You to strengthen my faith. Abraham is the father of faith Lord. He trusted You and heeded to Your voice. When his

Nederige versoek

Here my God as ek roep verhoor my, o God van my geregtigheid. Wees my genadig en verhoor my gebed. Here ons kan so baie van U vra elke dag. Vandag Here verlang ek nie aardse besittings, of rykdom, nie. Here ek verlang dat U, U wee aan my bekend sal maak. Here ek verlang om U te ken en om in die poorte van U huis te vertoef. Ek verlang U vrede en vreugde wat alle verstand te bowe sal laat gaan. Ek verlang dat U my nederig sal hou en U wysheid my sal besoek. Here ek verlang om U te ken. As ek die hemele aanskou die werke van U vingers, die maan en die sterre wat U toeberei het - wat is die mens dat U aan hom dink en die mensekind dat U hom besoek? U Here het ons weinig minder gemaak as engele en ons met eer en heerlikheid gekroon. Hoe kan ons U nie loof en prys nie Heer? Ek wil in vrede gaan le en meteens aan die slaap raak want U Here alleen laat my in veiligheid woon. U is my bergvesting en my rots, my redder en my leidsman, my geneesheer en my Vader. Amen

Prayer - deliverance South Africans

We come before You God on our knees with our heads bowed. We humble ourselves in Your presence our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We ask that You Lord will silence all the voices speaking against our destiny and those of our seed. We ask You to send your fire, fire of sulfate and brimstone against every altar that gives my enemy legal right to my life. Please show me the open doors and altars that is operating against me in order for me to repent, if I or my family sinned against You, Oh Lord. God bind all the powers and principalities operating through these altars in the Name of Jesus Christ.  Lord we as South Africans are guilty. Our forefathers tricked us and build a monument that raised an altar to the Sun God. They further tied every South African child to this altar, offering them up to the country - We do not belong to lifeless soil but to You God - They further reinforce the covenant every year. Lord we as Your children repent. Your Word states that we are to

Gebed - Seeninge

Jesus ons Verlosser en God ons Vader ek dank U, loof U en prys U grote naam. Here ek bid dat elke persoon wat die gebed lees deur U beskerm sal word en dat U krag deur hulle sal werk. Here dankie dat die saadjies van U koningkryk deur hulle geplant sal word en dat U naam daardeur verheerlik sal word. Here seen die persoon wat die gebed tot U rig. Seen hulle met U liefde, U krag, U wysheid en U vrede. Here ons weet dat as ons U koningkryk soek en ons daarvolgens lewe dat alle ander seeninge tot ons toegevoeg sal word. Dankie Here dat U ons sal lei om koningkrykskinders van U te word. Here waar Satan ons verhoed om U boodskap uit te dra vra ek dat U ons dubbele voordeel sal gee. Here daar word van ons verwag om ons werk as Christene te doen maar Satan rol alle struikelblokke in ons pad. Here help ons om te besef dat n'nederige gebed enige struikelblok sal verwyder. Gee ons die krag om ons werk vir U te verrig. Here U weet waar U woord uitgaan sal dit verandering bring

Prayer - South Africa

God our Father, Righteous Judge and Jesus Christ our Redeemer. I come before you God and I declare Lord that You hold the whole world in Your hands. I declare that South Africa and the people of South Africa belong to You Lord. Lord my God I intercede for the people of South Africa and for our country. Lord they are my people and South Africa is my Country. Lord You know of all the injustice that has been done in this country. I repent for the injustice and inhumane principals and policies that this country has inflicted upon people. Your biggest law require that we love You God with all our heart, our mind and our soul and love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Lord I repent for every time that we transgress this command, I repent for all the hate speech, hate and violence we inflict upon each other and agree with. Lord your word clearly states that You and only You are allowed to take revenge. Please forgive us and our forefathers. Lord help us to tame our tongues and open our

Gebed - soos n'mosterdsaadjie

Here onse God en Vader Ons kom in dankbaarheid voor U en dank U dat U seun Jesus Christus vir ons die weg deur sy bloed voorberei het om voor U te kan verskyn soos Johannes 14:6. Jesus U het gese dat die Koningkryk van God soos n'mosterdsaadjie is en dat waar dit gesaai word dit so groot soos n' boom sal word. Here saai vandag die saadjie van U koningkryk in my en my gesin se lewe. Here help ons om die saadjie genoegsame water te gee sodat U koningkryk so stewig soos n'boom in ons lewe kan groei. Here ek verlang dat U my sal help om al die onkruid van sonde uit my lewe uit te roei. Dankie Jesus Christus dat U bloed ons met God die Vader versoen het en dat ons deel kan vorm van U koningkryk. Here Jesus Christus ons verlang dat U die hoeksteen van ons geestelike huise sal wees. Here U woord se tog as ons ons geestelike huise bou op U woord en U waarheid dan sal die storms van die lewe dit nie kan omwaai of vernietig nie. Here help my om my huis op U rots te bou en dat m

Worship Prayer

God our Father, Judge, Redeemer Let us come before you Lord, let us bow down and kneel before you in worship. Lord let our silence be broken, let us praise You like Your creation does. You Lord are our creator. Let every knee bow down and every tongue confess that You are God. Lord You are my God, there is no other God; I will exalt you and praise your name, for in perfect faithfulness You have done wonderful things, things planned long ago. You redeemed our sins and forgave our transgressions. You clothe us in white robes and crown us my Lord. In every situation You grant us mercy and favor. Thank You Lord that our worship puts Your blessing on our food and water. We praise you God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from You God. God we love You, for You are good and Your love endures forever. Yours

Loflied as gebed

Here ons God en onse Vader. Die God van Abraham, Isak en Jakob. Ek staan in dankbaarheid voor U my Heer. Here dankie dat U my veilig deur hierdie dag bewaar het. Dankie dat U my genadig was in alle teespoed wat my pad gekruis het. Dankie Here dat U my gered het uit die net van die voelvanger en die bose planne van my vyande. Dankie dat U in my behoeftes voorsien het. Dankie Here dat U my voed met U Woord en my lawe met U Water. Here Jesus U woord se kom na my toe almal wat vermoeid en belas is. Dankie Here dat ek by U kan kom skuil en onder U vlerke kom rus.  Dankie Here dat U die wat U liefhet in rustigheid laat slaap. Dankie Here dat U vrede wat alle verstand te bowe gaan in my hart sal kom rus en my sinne bewaar in Christus Jesus. Ek kan net U naam loof en prys. Net soos Dawid Heer kan ek sing en psalmsing tot U eer. Wie is bo U my God? - want U het wonders gedoen, raadsbesluite uit ver tye, waarheid en trou. U Here is n'vesting vir die arme, n'vesting vir die behoef


God Our Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I come before You Lord as intercessor. Your word requires that we petition, pray and intercede through thanksgiving for all people. Lord Your word also requires that we pray for our enemies. I therefore ask Your Holy Spirit to guide me in my prayer. Lord I intercede this morning on behalf of (name) and ask that You will (ask the Lord what the Holy Spirit guides you to ask) . Lord Your Word states that You want every person to be saved and led into Your truth. Thank You Lord for Your love, grace and mercy. Lord I thank You for forgiving my sins. Help me Lord to forgive those that sinned against me. Thank You Lord that Jesus died on my behalf so that I can live and be forgiven for everything that I do wrong. Thank you that we can come to You through Jesus and ask all things in the Matchless name of Jesus. Amen

Gebed Psalm 23

Here ons God en Vader, ons Heiligmaker en Verlosser. Dankie vir hierdie dag wat verby is. Dankie vir die seeninge wat ons uit U hand ontvang het. Dankie dat U volgens U woord die onheil van ons weerhou het. Dankie dat U vandag in al my behoeftes voorsien het. Here ek staan op U woord: Ps 23. U woord se ek sal niks ontbreek nie want U is my Herder. Dankie Here! Here dankie dat U my vandag gelei het in alles wat ek moes doen. Here help my sodat ek op die paaie van U geregtighede kan wandel. Vader waar ons vannag gaan slaap vra ons dat U, U engele opdrag sal gee om oor ons te waak. Here U woord se ek hoef geen onheil te vrees nie want U is met my. Here ons weet dat die vyand ons drome kan beinvloed en daarom vra ons dat U ons drome sal beskerm. Here spreek tot ons in ons drome en gee ons U woord deur ons drome. Laat U stok en staf my vertroos en my op die regte wee lei Here. Here dankie dat my beker sal oorloop met vreugde, liefde, opregtheid en sukses. Dankie Here dat U goedhei

Prayer for forgiveness

Lord our God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob we humble ourselves before You and come to You today for forgiveness. We long for a relationship with You and want to remove all the hindrances. In our lives we have sinned and transgressed Your laws continually. Lord irrespective of us sinning willfully or out of ignorance please forgive us for our sins. Show us our transgressions to prevent us from further transgressions. Lord break every hold that my enemy has over me due to my sin. Lord my God I thank You that we are able to use the blood of Jesus in our repentance and we ask that Jesus blood would speak on our behalf when our enemy makes claims regarding us, our life or our family due to our sins. Your word states that if we repent You will forgive. Father we thank You for Your grace, love and forgiveness. Lord please indicate to us if there is anything in our lives that prevent us from serving You. Lord Your Word states that You are a jealous God. We therefore repent from plac

Morning Prayer

Dear God our Father, our righteous Judge and our Redeemer. Thank you for another morning, and thank you that we were spared for another day. We will rejoice for you have made this day and your word says that we should always rejoice in You Lord. God our Father please forgive our sins and make known to us all our sins we should ask repentance for. You require of us to bring our sins before You, but we need Your divine knowledge to uproot the sins from our lives. We also need Your help in purging inequities from our lives, we need your mercy and your truth Lord. Without You we are nothing Lord. I pray that you will prepare our way for us today. Lord please go ahead of us for your word says that if we acknowledge you in all our ways that you will direct our paths. Your word also says that you will command your angels to protect us in all our ways. We are seeking your protection Lord. Lord let success, good health and prosperity be our portion today. Let whatever our hands touch be ble